Ultimate Guide To Identifying Liberty Caps

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liberty cap lookalikes

The cap shape of liberty caps is pretty distinctive, but can also vary somewhat. They generally have a pointy bell shape, which is taller than it is wide, with the bottom edge, or the ‘margin’, tucked in slightly. The gills start light grey/black, are mottled and have a lighter edge but become very dark purple/black as the spores are released. These mushrooms are found under trees and are much more “robust” than liberty caps,” says Rockefeller.

liberty cap lookalikes

The effects of Liberty Caps

These should be run on fresh, mature, fully-grown, healthy mushrooms in order to be as accurate as possible. Once dried, he notes, it’s much harder to spot mould or bacteria growing on the mushrooms. “Specialist mushroom-picking books, the internet, and/or old hippies are the best starting points for the budding mushroom picker,” he says. He advises taking a guidebook or picture of a liberty cap with you while mushroom picking, so that you can easily check to see if it matches up. Galerina species, or at least some of them, can be mistaken for liberty caps, including the Galerina graminea (or turf bell) variety which has a bell-shaped cap.

liberty cap lookalikes

Toxicity, Safety & Side Effects

More common in fields, moors and grassland where animals are grazed but can be found in lawns and in parks. Psilocybin, in combination with cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT) was provided for patients to observe the effects on smoking cessation. The results showed that psilocybin is able to promote long term smoking cessation in 60% of individuals still abstaining from smoking 6.. Psilocybin was reportedly effective for both prophylactic and acute treatment of cluster headache and migraines. The results were subjective opinions from patients with treatment-resistant migraines or cluster headaches who are exploring alternative options 3..


  • There are a number of Subreddits where you can post photos of your shrooms for a quick ID by experienced foragers.
  • Again, these shrooms will have orange spores and gills and tend to be non-toxic.
  • Some of the Mottlegills from the genus Panaeolus can look similar but none have both a pronounced umbo and a bent and curving stem.
  • Any fungus that contains psilocin or psilocybin is controlled in the UK.
  • The gills of a liberty cap mushroom move from a brownish color to purple-brown; spores can also be a dark purple-brown color.
  • Liberty Caps contain the active ingredients psilocybin and psilocin, which can cause hallucinations and in some cases, nausea or vomiting.
  • Protostropharia semiglobata is a dung-loving species (unlike P. semilanceata), with a shared preference for grazed grassland habitat, and a similar colored cap to a dry liberty cap.

This method prioritizes the preservation of natural habitats while taking only what is needed to avoid over-harvesting. The stems of Panaeolus species are often brittle and will snap easily when bending. They can cause extreme stomach pain and diarrhea, they raise your blood pressure and heart rate and can potentially cause seizures in individuals. I believe Mushrooms are the best kept secret when it comes to health and well being. Many variables can affect what kind of experience you’ll have, such as your weight, age, the amount you use, how much you’ve eaten that day, and your personality. In general, expect to feel the effects within 30 minutes, which can last anywhere from 3-6 hours (4).


  • Scientifically known as psilocybe semilanceata, liberty caps, or simply ‘libs’, are the most well-known and common magic mushroom found in the UK – and many other countries.
  • While P. semilanceata will fruit in manure-rich grasslands, it will never be found fruiting directly from dung.
  • This method prioritizes the preservation of natural habitats while taking only what is needed to avoid over-harvesting.
  • Do not self-administer psilocybin or Psilocybe semilanceata for medicinal or recreational purposes.
  • You can tell them apart from liberty caps because they have white spores and gills.
  • It also lacks the distinctive nipple of P. semilanceata, possesses a slightly thicker stem, and the gills are more widely attached to the stem.
  • Liberty cap mushrooms, particularly those classified as Psilocybe semilanceata, are a captivating group of fungi known for their psychoactive properties.

This colour-shifting can help you distinguish liberty caps from similar-shaped mushrooms. A wet liberty cap will not be light, and a dry one will not be dark. Thankfully, there aren’t a lot of poisonous mushrooms that look like liberty caps. “Poisonings from picking mushrooms that look like liberty caps but are different species are rare because most of the lookalikes aren’t particularly toxic,” he says. The color of the cap can vary from a light brown to a darker brown, often becoming more vibrant when wet. The gills underneath are closely spaced and dark purple to black, which can further aid in identification.

Let us now turn our attention to other mushrooms you may come across in the grassland habitat favored by liberty caps that may bear a resemblance to this species. This list is not likely to be exhaustive, and common look-alikes will vary by region. Death caps form symbiotic mycorrhizal associations with a variety of deciduous and coniferous trees, but they are most commonly found growing in association with oak trees. Liberty caps only ever grow in association with grasses, so the two species have different habitat preferences, and death caps will always be found growing in the vicinity of trees. Most Conocybe species have cone or bell-shaped caps like liberty caps. Like Panaeolus species, the stems are often brittle and will snap easily when bending.

Growing VS. Buying Psilocybe mexicana

When picking mushrooms, some recommend the “flick and pick” approach to harvesting. Flicking the cap before harvesting can help disseminate spores, and slicing the mushroom with your fingernail where the stem reaches the soil can help prevent damage to the mycelium beneath. Like all Psilocybes, P. semilanceata is saprophytic, with their mycelium feeding on decaying grass roots, and is only ever found in association with grasses. While P. semilanceata will fruit in manure-rich grasslands, it will never be found fruiting directly from dung. Mushrooms fruiting from any other substrate will not be liberty caps. They fruit in autumn, when the weather starts to get wetter and colder (with temperatures consistently dipping below 15 C).

It also becomes opaque so that you can only see the gills towards the bottom (if at all). For example, the liberty cap is famous for its nipple but this is not a unique feature. The stem is off white, slightly shaggy on close inspection, can have a blueish base with mycelium still joined.

Lastly, before deciding either on buying or growing this species be sure to familiarize yourself on the specifics of local law regarding Psilocybe mushrooms. In many regions, the possession and use of hallucinogenic mushrooms remain illegal, and the legal status can vary from one place to another. It is important to be aware of local laws and regulations to avoid potential legal repercussions. Additionally, educating oneself about safe practices, such as proper dosage, liberty cap lookalikes understanding potential risks can contribute to a more positive experience. Liberty cap mushrooms, particularly those classified as Psilocybe semilanceata, are a captivating group of fungi known for their psychoactive properties. These mushrooms are known by their distinctive conical shape, with a pointed cap that often features a prominent central bump, giving them a unique appearance that is easily recognized to those familiar with them.

Many psilocybes develop this ring-like band that breaks apart as the mushroom cap grows and expands (1). DoubleBlind is a trusted resource for news, evidence-based education, and reporting on psychedelics. We work with leading medical professionals, scientific researchers, journalists, mycologists, indigenous stewards, and cultural pioneers.



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